
6'8" stringerless tri-plane hull
6oz volan cloth, wet-sanded gloss
Moonlight Glassing

I built this board to act as a "bridge" between the tri-plane hull and my stubbies with concave. It has much of the looseness and weightless hull feeling of a tri-plane hull, but with more bite through bottom turns and cutbacks. The parabolic concave directs water flow from the rail towards the fin and tail, allowing for a more forgiving hull experience for those who are used to surfing with a heavier back foot. Available with or without a tapered stringer.


Surf Junkie said...

You are an awesome shaper. I like the rounder shapes. Looks like I would enjoy surfing on one of the longer stubbies. I borrowed a board in San Diego-Mission Beach once. One of the best go outs ever. You Southern Cal boys have the right idea. I grew up in the Rincon-Muscle Shoals area. More gunny types of boards.

I also like your cat headgear.

I also used to love my swallowtail surfboard but a round pin was always my usual board of choice.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this nice information. Go ahead.

Unknown said...

Do you have to pump off the tail to get them going?
Watching the Ben Matz video, it looks as though you can pump these off the rail with your front foot.