
Stubby Love

A few months ago I got a custom 5'9" stub from Marc Andreini and I haven't really surfed anything else since. The board goes like magic and I'm able to do most everything I'm capable of doing on a wave on this board.

I talked with Marc Andreini about the design and he gave me a few tips on how to integrate the single/double/concave vee through the rocker specific to this design. He also gave me the nod to shape them and continue to bring stoke into the world. I've shaped four of them already and I'm making another four more for Mollusk in SF and NYC. Andreini was pretty stoked that I was into the design, which he says, "It's something we used to ride when the waves got good." I can only imagine what those guys were up to in the 60's and 70's in Santa Barbara on these boards at the points.

Here's some photos of a 5'11" stub I shaped, plus some photos of the 5'9" Andreini.

The magic Andreini 5'9" stub...

A closer look at the small side fins and the volan flex fin.


A Visit to Ol' Blighty

Here's a few photos from my recent trip out to the UK for the Fish Fry in Woolacombe Bay. I have about 600 more photos in all, but here's a few favorites:

The view from my private jet.

The proud Cornish flag at the Black & White Factory.

Pete invited us over for a nice dinner with friends at his 800 year-old haunted house in Hayle. Pete used to be Princess Diana's personal bodyguard.

Got some fun little waves right out front of our rental house in Putsborough. The 12' tide swings really gave the spot a few different faces during the day.

Woolacombe Bay.

A lot of people drive turbo diesel vans in the UK which get about 40-50 mpg. Even Ford makes one out there called a Transport, which gets about 45 mpg.

A lad and his Morris Woody.

These folks like fish.

Skelly and "The German."

Phil the Silverback sorting out the new lam configuration. Phil is a large man at 6'4"/300#, and I shaped him an 7'11" bonzer so he wouldn't eat my lunch.

Ian and I would walk miles after shaping to various pubs in the middle of nowhere. We'd see one on a hilltop a few miles away and start walking in the general direction.

9 p.m. and still plenty of light out...time for a pint!

Best warm beer I ever had...

Slaving away at the Black & White Factory.

Some bat-tail quads for the Surfed Out shop in Barnstaple.

Pirates lived here.

Land's End.

Friendly neighborhood basking sharks.

Richie and crew coming up the trail from another Cornish secret spot.

Some new friends I was fortunate enough to meet in Sennen.