
24' wa'apa outrigger sailing canoe by gary dierking


6'0" stubbie single fin
single concave to spiral vee
dark olive green tint
wet-sanded gloss
9" Mandala Flex


Big thanks to everyone who came out for Stubbie Sunday! We had a lot of fun despite the fact that there wasn't much surf. At least everyone got to hang out and have a few laughs. I decided that since most everyone dressed up as a kook that I would give the 5'1" Chubbie to everyone as a community board. (Tyler had possession of the board but couldn't make it down since he was buried under too much work.) The Chubbie can be passed around and shared by all (yeah, it's a weird one.)

Next Stubbie Sunday-----Japan! September 27, 2009! Location and time by and by.


ultimate kook kontest

I've been getting some confused emails about what to do for the Ultimate Kook Kontest, so here's just a few ideas on how to reveal the kook inside all of us:

- wetsuit inside out and backwards
- tassled wetsuit
- springsuit, gloves, booties, and a hood
- leash on both feet
- fins backwards
- shorts over your wetsuit
- wetsuit over your shorts
- wax on the bottom of your board
- etc...

Don't take yourselves too seriously, this is supposed to be fun.

Here's a photo my friend took in England a few years ago. The guy had a backpack full of rope in case he got stuck on the rocks. Check out the Tevas...


sunday stubbie sunday - this sunday!

Hello all! We're having another Stubbie Sunday this weekend! This time it'll be at Beacons in Leucadia, starting around 9am. It looks like we'll have a little bit of swell lined up with a high tide in the a.m.. It might be pretty fun...

I'll have a bunch of demo tri-plane hulls and stubbies with concave for everyone to try out. Please bring your Liddles, Andreinis, Hilbers, and other stubbie-esque hulls to show off or share!

For this Stubbie Sunday, we're adding a little something to the gathering called "The Ultimate Kook Kontest." Come dressed as a full-on kook and be in on a no-holds-barred assault on the line-up. Best-dressed kook wins the 5'1" Chubbie!

Beacons Beach
Leucadia, CA
August 16, 2009
9am - 5pm


Crappy photo...sweet board. I had to interrupt Brett's quality control duties to take this photo of Reuben's 6'0" stubbie quad with bamboo glass-ons. Stubbie attack soon come!


BGA laying it down somewhere south of Beacons...

This is going to be a lot of fun...


6'8" tri-plane hull
21.75" x 2-7/8"
volan, wet-sanded hotcoat
tapered cedar stringer